Blog Are you Adopting Behaviour? Be Cautious!

Are you Adopting Behaviour? Be Cautious!



Do you know the majority of people don’t showcase their natural behaviour to others? This is because they tend to adopt behaviour from others to become like others in all aspects of life, like career, health etc. Behaviour adoption’ is accepting the exact behaviour of others that changes your natural behaviour and you lose touch with your inner-self (true nature). It influences your thoughts and thus, you use the mind of others to make important decisions in your life.


Why Do People Adopt the Behaviour of Others?

The biggest reason for behaviour adoption is fear, which is in-built into your mind. For example, you are having lunch with your colleagues in the office who are gossiping but you don’t like gossip. However, you may fear that if you don’t contribute to their conversation, colleagues may label you with different things, like egoistic and arrogant. Hence, due to fear of isolation from the group, you also start gossiping to fit into this group. Following are some other reasons for the adoption of behaviour:

  • Lack: You may lack certain things in life, like money, healthy relationships etc. To fill these things, you may adopt others’ behaviour; for example, your friend is earning a very good amount of money in a specific career and you adopt that career in complete disregard of your inner-self. Thus, you will fail in that career.


  • Emotional Weaknesses: People may become emotionally weak if they have sadness in life because of things, like limited power, money and poor relationships. Due to this, they may adopt others’ behaviour to overcome emotional weakness temporarily; however, they suffer in life. Example.


  • Standard conditioning of mind: Since childhood, we are told to be like others which takes us away from our inner voice. Due to this, you fail to show up as the best version of yourself.



How to Identity that you have adopted the Behaviour of others?

  • Identify activities that you are doing because of influence, but, you don’t like them doing
  • If you do these activities without any influence, imagine what different ideas you can implement to do them creatively



How to destroy the pattern of behaviour adoption?

  • Break the rules and limitations of others that you are carrying
  • Be conscious to hear your inner voice that helps you explore your true potential
  • Break your limiting beliefs that are various excuses for not achieving what you want to achieve in life




Adoption of behaviour means behaving like somebody else that alters your natural behaviour, leading to loss of your inner-self. As a result of this, you suffer in life because every aspect of life is influenced by others. Fear is the key reason for behaviour adoption that forces you to adjust to the expectations of society. To lead a happy and successful life, you have to break the pattern of behaviour adoption by listening inner voice and breaking limiting beliefs.

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